Case Files: Use of hand held ultrasound to guide therapeutic and diagnostic thoracentesis in the pleural space clinic

by Michael Fitzpatrick, MD, FRCPC

Case 1: Mr. P was a 75 year old gentleman with a history of splenic marginal zone lymphoma. His cancer was complicated by development of a pleural effusion and ascites. He was admitted to hospital due to abdominal discomfort but following discharge developed dyspnea. He was referred to the Pleural Space Clinic by his oncologist for worsening dyspnea and consideration of thoracentesis.

Case Report: Hemoptysis localization – hearing with your eyes

by Barry Chan, MD

Clinical Vignette: 45 year old was transferred from a peripheral facility for acute massive hemoptysis though maintained sufficient airway patency with no evidence of hemodynamic instability or respiratory failure. Thoracic auscultation revealed vesicular breathing with no adventitious sound. CXR from the peripheral site was normal.

Case Report: The use of gastric ultrasound to assess risk of pulmonary aspiration

by James Cheng, PGY-4

Pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents is a dreaded complication of general anesthesia, as it carries significant patient morbidity and mortality. Subsequent aspiration pneumonia can lead to prolonged mechanical ventilation, and a mortality rate of up to 5%. To minimize the risk of pulmonary aspiration, patients are required – as per the American Society of Anesthesiology’s “Practice Guidelines for Preoperative Fasting” – to fast prior to elective surgery in order to ensure that the stomach is empty prior to induction of general anesthesia.