Can Medical Students Learn and Perform POCUS in the Pediatric Emergency Department? Implementation of a Short Curriculum  

Michael  C. Cooper, MD; Jodi Jones, MD; Mandy Pascual, MD; Steven Field, DO; Juan M. Rendon, MD; Christine Kulstad, MD; Bryant Dixon, MD; Kristie Pham Tu; Aman Narayan; Hunter Pyle; Khiem Hoang; Anthony Han; Dalbir Bahga MD; Aman Pandey, MD; Lynn Roppolo, MD – Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) is used by emergency physicians to make rapid critical diagnoses in the emergency department (ED) [1]. POCUS is now being incorporated into medical student patient assessment curricula [2, 3]. Several studies have demonstrated the feasibility of medical students using POCUS and have included teaching multiple POCUS applications to medical students simultaneously [2,4,5]. However, there are few studies demonstrating medical students’ ability to accurately perform POCUS on pediatric patients and these studies have typically included one POCUS application taught at a time [6-9].